Healing Resin Gallery Night & Creative Hub

Healing Resin Gallery Night & Creative Hub


Where intentions go, energy flows.  As a new business concept, we are co-creating our business model as we go.  We hoped to attract trustworthy creative collaborators and it happened.   

The purpose of Healing Resin is to use Art, Music, Poetry and Well-being practices to increase our vibe, find more peace and energy, self-heal and be absolutely empowered to be all we can be. 

We wanted to collaborate with other expert creatives healers to help our community have even greater access to a healing tribe. 

On May 9th we will be having our Gallery Night to share our own creative healing art, music and well-being tools and showcase our partners. 

Our creative healing tribe are: 

Essendon Natural Health – Dr Robert Gentile, Rose Gentile https://essendonnaturalhealth.com.au/#practitioners 


Elixir Ivanhoe – Donna & Elena https://elixironline.com.au/ 


Transcend Skin – Kathryn  https://transcendskin.com.au/ 


Maslina Reiki Healing – Jaki https://www.instagram.com/maslina.reikihealing/  


Estelle.m.creative – Estelle https://www.instagram.com/estelle.m.creative/ 


Navigating Healthcare – Kristina  kristina@navigatinghealthcare.com.au 


Come to our exclusive event – tickets are limited. The night includes drinks and nibbles, inspiring speakers, unique gallery experience, opportunity to buy unique Healing Resin artwork, meet our Creative Hub collaborators and many giveaways and gift bags. 

To get your tickets please visit:


Looking forward to connecting with you at the event. 

Keep well and be all you can be.

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